Canadian Wildlife Artist Kimberley McNeil, Calgary, AB

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Yoga Therapy Tip: Balance & Brawn

Find Balance

Today's tip talks about a pose with enough variations to fit every body, ability, and mood.  Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose is one yogis either love or hate. I'm going to help you love it.This standing pose asks for strong and limber legs. Tight hamstrings and weak quads need not apply. The fact is if the leg muscles don't work well together, meaning if the quads aren't strong and engaged enough to help the hammies release, a yogi won't be able to safely and comfortably stand in the pose.  That's why the steps for this pose are a progression.  To hold the big toe is besides the point.  Who cares if you an or can't?!  Leave your ego at the door and choose an option that suits your body's strength and flexibility.Below I show you how to ease into Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose with the use of a chair and then progress all the way to the full pose without props. 

Variation #1: Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose with a chair

Place your foot on a chair or stool that's at the perfect height for you.  You'll know the chair is the right height if you can place your foot on the chair without arching back, lifting your hip, or swinging or rotating your leg.   How to: lift the foot, bend the knee, place the heel on the chair, and straighten your leg.   Because your balance won't be challenged you can work more on contracting the thigh muscles of the supported leg.  As for the standing weight baring leg, feel that it stays neutral and the knee and toes point forward. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose with a chair  

Variation #2: Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose with a strap

From a chair, the progression in Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose takes a strap.  The strap acts as a helper not a pulley.  Instead of white knuckling and pulling your leg up with all your might use your abdominal muscles, hips flexors, and quads to lift the leg.  Be nice to the poor strap! Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose with a strap 

Variation #3: Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

After you use a strap as a helper, the progression in Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose is to, wait for this bombshell, hold the big toe.

  • Lift the right foot, bent the knee, and hold the big toe on the inside of the right leg.
  • Keep the arm straight and the shoulders in line as you slowly straighten the right leg by contracting the thigh muscles.  If you can't move into a completely straight leg that's ok, work with a bent knee until you build your strength and flexibility.
  • To come out of the pose bend the knee, let go of the big toe, and take the foot back to the floor.
  • To help with balance, stand with your back against a wall if needed.

 Variation No. 1: Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose 

Variation #4: Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose II

 After you learn to hold the pose with the leg out in front progress by taking the leg out to the side.   Without rotating the leg in the hip socket, pull the leg out to the side by contracting the buttock muscles.  Visualize lengthening from the inner groin of the lifted leg to the inner heel.  Keep the pelvis pointed straight ahead.  Bonus tip: Remember to smile. Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe II  Any questions?  Ask it on Facebook Page or Instagram.  I’m always looking for inspiration for future a #YogaTherapyTip post so share those too.Here's to finding balance,  SignatureWant more?In my newsletter that goes out every Thursday I share personal stories and free tips on how to let yoga into your life.  Sign up to receive the newsletter using the link on this page on the right of the menu.Share how this tip has helped you on my Facebook Page or Instagram.   If you think this post could help someone you know, please share it using the nifty social media buttons above.