Kimberley McNeil Fine Art

Build your fine art collection and watch its value—both monetarily and sentimentally—grow.

  • "Kim paints clever fine art compositions that invite the viewer to contemplate soulful animals or landscape subject matter. Paint applications range from thick cold wax to smooth blended oils - both are delectable!”

    Alissa Sexton, Art Curator

  • "Dear Kim, yes, please add me to your mailing list. I’m very interested in getting another fine art ornament next year—they're lovely!"

    Trudy, Art Collector

  • "I commissioned Kim's to paint a piece of art for my parents for Christmas. The piece now hangs in their kitchen by a large picture window where they enjoy watching wildlife come and go from their property."

    Private Client


Collect Fine Art

Original artwork is an investment; in the artist, in their creative process, and in their dedication to developing as a creative; it’s also an investment. Nothing brings more joy, and acts as a potential asset at the same time, then a carefully selected work of art. An original piece by Canadian wildlife artist, Kimberley McNeil, is a distinctive work that will add value to your art collection and bring the country's stunning landscape into your space. Collect fine art and invest in something real.

Commission a piece of fine art for your collection
