Canadian Wildlife Artist Kimberley McNeil, Calgary, AB

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Fall is here.

Fall is my favourite season.  The sweaters, beautiful colours, and cooler air mark change.  Cancervive has added to fall's appeal.  By the time you read this, I'll be on Day 3 of Cancervive Cycle Tour 2019.  An annual charity bike ride benefiting cancer support programs, the Tour has become a staple of my fall schedule and a landmark of sorts in my year.As I look back on the past year, I can't help but realize how much has changed while on the other hand, so much has stayed the same.  I'm still a cyclist a year later, a stronger one than I've ever been.  Having said that, I've barely ridden this month so this comment could come back to bite me in the lycra-clad cycling ass.  If you don't hear from me by next Sunday, come find me.  I'll be on the side of the road somewhere in Osoyoos B.C.   Look for the red Argon18, answers to the name Samantha.  See post photo for reference.I still live in the same place.  I continue to work for the same organization.  My friendships are relatively the same, but I'd like to think many have grown better while others are just getting good.  That cat thing continues to pay attention to me, but only when it's dying of hunger (which seems to be every morning at around 6:43 am).


Where change is concerned, I've retired from yoga. (More on this in a future post.)  I co-hosted my first art exhibit and reception.  I saw orcas.There are unfortunately many more people to which to dedicate this year's ride.  An acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer this year.  A fellow-rider lost their mother to the disease earlier this month.  I lost my mother over four years ago; that always deserves an honourable mention.Last September, my father was alive.  This September, he's gone.(Who's going to be my biggest donor now?)This fall, I'm an orphan for the first time in my life.  I'm in denial of this fact.  Change is easier to swallow when you fight it.   Back to talking about sweaters and spiced lattes; those I can handle.