Yoga Therapy Tip Quickie: Slouch No More
A Quick Fix for The Slouch
Everyone likes a quickie. When you've spent all day at a desk and are feeling the effects of an 8-hour slump, you want an easy pose to go to help. A supported backbend like this variation of Fish Pose, or Matsyasana, is one example. Over a bolster Fish Pose feels decadent. In a matter of minutes you will have stretched the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and hips, rid yourself of neck pain and headches, and improved your ability to breathe. How to:
- Place a bolster across the mid-back at the height of the lower tip of the shoulder blades. A rolled yoga mat works well for this too plus you can add a folded blanket under the head, arms, and/or hips to make it less intense (not shown).
- Legs: They can be in Easy Pose (cross-legged, as in the photo), Lotus (if you can get there), or straight out along the floor.
- Arms: Overhead with one hand holding the opposite wrist (see photo), or out to the sides along the floor.
- Give in to the support, melt over it. Lay here for several minutes.
Do NOT put up with back pain. If you feel any discomfort in your low back change the height of your support (lower it) or change the position of your arms and/or legs. Any questions? Ask it on Facebook Page or Instagram. I’m always looking for inspiration for future a #YogaTherapyTip post so share those too.Here's to saying goodbye to the slouch,
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