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Yoga Therapy Tip: The Meditation Myth

Aim for Awareness and Focus in Meditation

 Forgot the idea of a clear mind in meditation.  The point of meditating isn't to have no thoughts, it's to detach from your thoughts and to instead focus really hard on something else.   Like when you see an attractive person at the gym and forget what you're doing then get caught staring like a creepy-creeperton.   Or when you're doing something you love so much that time stops and you forget to eat even when there are homemade cookies in the house.  That type of focus.To succeed at meditation is to be aware of when you're distracted.   This is where the skilled meditator excels.  Catch yourself planning dinner in your meditation?  Well done!   Realize you're analyzing the final episode of Mad Men instead of focusing on your breathing?  Bravo!  Now get back to focusing. 

Find a meditation that you like

 Like yoga poses and breathing exercises, there are many, many types of meditations to chose from.  Find one that works for you and stick with it for a month.  Start a daily practice.  If you get bored of it, don't be rigid, pick another type but keep going.  I like 7 minute daily meditation; the double digits of 10 minutes seems intimidating and 5 minutes doesn't seem long enough.  Plus the number 7 is auspicious in certain cultures so why not?!Scientific American gave descriptions to the different types of meditation in their October 2014 edition available for purchase here: Scientific American - Neuroscience & Meditation.I offer a few 'How-to' PDFs of different types of meditations in my shop too: The Shop

 The easiest meditation

 The simplest meditation is breath awareness.  Focus on the movement of air in and out through the nose.  When you find yourself pulled away by your thoughts, say "Thinking" and come back to focus on the breath.  It's as easy as that.  Set a timer for 7 minutes so you're not distracted by the clock. 

Prop Tip: Meditate Comfortably Like a Pro

 Whether you sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair when you meditate, use support under your forearms and wrists. The prop keeps your elbows at 90 degrees and reduces strain in the shoulders and neck. Plus it looks cool.  ‪#‎YogaTherapyTip‬Props: Here I'm sitting on three folded Indian blankets and I'm using a mini bolster under the arms.  The colour of the mini is a favourite of mine too, crucial to meditation success. Mini Bolster - Meditation - Cross-legged

 Have a yoga therapy question? Ask it on Facebook Page or  Instagram and I'll use it as inspiration for a future tip.

 Happy meditating,Signature Want more?In my newsletter that goes out every Thursday I share personal stories and free tips on how to let yoga into your life.  Sign up to receive the newsletter using the link on this page on the right of the menu.  Do you have a yoga therapy question? Email it me at how this tip has helped you on my Facebook Page or Instagram.   If you think this post could help someone you know, please share it using the nifty social media buttons above.