Yoga Therapy Tip: Get Horizontal
Today’s ‘Yoga Therapy Tip’ is to get horizontal.Arm balances are often The Holy Grail of yoga poses for many. Fear takes centre stage. We think we're more likely to crash land than takeoff when we practice them; no one likes the idea of an un-planned nosejob.I'd like to let you in on a little secret:You don't need to balance on your hands to learn the basics and get the benefits of arm balance poses. Mind-blowing right?! You can learn to practice the basics by , brace yourself, lying on your back.*It doesn't matter which pose we're talking about, the same principles apply. By practicing arm balance poses on the floor you'll learn to:
- Become intimately connected to your adductor, or inner thigh, muscles.
- Use your abdominals and obliques, or some of your core muscles, to move your spine safely.
- Breathe while you move instead of holding your breath.
- Position your arms and use your shoulders properly.
- Learn the fundamentals of arm balances without the weight bearing and without involving the wrists.
- Keep your neck happy.
- Kick fear in the butt.
Example: Reclined Side Crow Pose, or Supta Parsva Bakasana (See above photo.) Side Crow Pose is easier than it looks. It involves a deep twist, intense leg work, and a tight tuck position which brings the legs as close to the body as humanly possible. Here's how to do it:
- Bend your knees and bring your legs together.
- Bring your thighs into your belly so you're in a tuck position. Squeeze the inner thighs together to turn two legs into one leg. N.B. If you have back issues, keep the buttocks on the floor as in the photo; if not, you can start to round the back slightly as you let the buttocks lift (not shown).
- Inhale and use your abdominals to bring your upper body off the floor. Come into a crunch so your thighs and belly are as close together as possible.
- Exhale and twist to the right. Take your belly button as far to the right as possible. If your twist is deep enough to easily take your left armpit over to to your right knee then reach your arms out to the right. TIP: Instead of lifting with your neck muscles lift with the muscles of your abdomen and waist.
- Keep your neck still instead of poking your head forward.
- Keep your hands shoulder-width as you straighten your arms.
- Stay here for a few breaths. If you feel your neck is unhappy, come out and rest.
- Repeat to the left. Alternate 2x per side.
Now try it with Pendant Pose, or Supta Lolasana Have fun exploring the above tips. Have fun with your practice and get creative applying the steps to other arm balance poses too. Before you know it, you'll be upright again practising the traditional poses with less fear, better body awareness, and more focus.BONUS: In honour of Easter Sunday, here's a video about The Holy Grail and a killer bunny. Here’s to mastering arm balances,
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