Hang Tight: Yoga Traction Series

Happy Spines: How to Make and Use a Homemade Yoga Wall

Traction, Part 1

Calling all those with sciatica, bulging or herniated disk, back pain, Ankylosing Spondilitis, other forms of arthritis in the spine, or sciatica. This one is also great for those who find they get wrist pain in Downward-facing Dog.What you'll need:

  1.  2-3 long cotton yoga straps with metal buckles. The metal part is important because plastic isn't strong enough. Mine are from @halfmoon_yoga.

  2. Two anchors for the straps. I use @trxtraining ones; inexpensive and they won't wreck your door. If you don't have anchors you can use two foam yoga blocks.

  3. A solid door that stays firmly closed!

  4. Optional: a blanket or folded mat for extra padding along the front of the hips. Give it a go and enjoy the feeling of less weight on your wrists and great traction in the spine.

Yoga Traction - Downward-facing Dog

Traction, Part 2

Yoga Traction - Forward Bend or Inversion

"What did you do all weekend?" "I hung out." Here's another option for those of you with sciatica, a herniated disk, arthritis in the spine, and low back pain. It looks scarier than it is and feels darn good in the back.See my previous post for prop set-up instructions.Warning: please do not try this at home unless you've been shown how by a qualified instructor first. Also make doubly, triply sure the door closes fully and that you have the help of a buddy. Yes, I'm acting like an over-protective mom. No, I don't care.

Traction, Part 3

Yoga Traction - Chair Pose or Squat

Every good story comes as a trilogy. This is the third and final chapter of my mini traction series. This variation of Chair Pose, or squat, will help those of you with back pain, scoliosis, sciatica, arthritis in the spine, and disk herniation. Pregnant ladies will love this one, too.Set-up: See Part 1 of the traction mini series. How-to: Practice with feet and legs hip-width apart and feet wide with the legs externally rotated (rotated out). Pregnant ladies should chose the later.Caution: Those of you with a shoulder injury should sit this one out for the time being, no pun intended.Qs? Comments? Ask me in the comments. Here's to getting creative and thinking differently when it comes to your yoga (therapy) practice, 

Traction, Part 4

Yoga Traction - Inversion

I affectionately call this one 'The Fruit Bat'. I have big enough eyes I could almost pull it off, but I digress. . Here's a bonus move for the spine as part of my traction series. If you have the flexibility to hinge at the hips while gently rounding the spine into a forward bend give it a go. If not, try one of the earlier options in the series.I describe setup how-to's a few posts back. Disclaimer: please make sure your setup is sound in these hanging poses. I take no responsibility for RYAs, or Random Yoga Accidents. In all seriousness, test your wall first before committing to inverting yourself like a bat.

Trade Secret

Yoga Traction - Anchors

Use blocks as anchors to make your yoga wall.  You're welcome. #protip


An Ode to Fathers


Fear and the Little Black Dress: Lessons from a Yoga Workshop